D&D: Adventures in Eberron - The King of Feathers

This session the table is made up by the following characters: Aurora Sylvan , helf-elf ranger Carsten Birch , human cleric Caverick Strawton , human druid Edgarial Grandsword , elf wizard-artificer Xaerv , human fighter Managing the chaos is the incomparable, DM Emily . Having followed the wide avenue into the heart of the ancient ruined city of the giants, we found an enormous amphitheater backed up against the rising wall of the ravine. Nesting comfortably within this once grandiose ruin we found a great feathered beast of a dinosaur, and I think rightfully decided this must be the King of Feathers we'd been warned about. The great beast was asleep as we stumbled upon it and we quickly retreated up into the stands to decide on our plan and leave us room for evasive action should the thing awaken before we were suitably prepared for the coming battle. Higher up in the stands we came upon a fellow explorer who was also deciding on a course of action. Aurora Sylvan, this half-elven...