Cyberpunk RED One Shot

Today we were going to forgo our usual Traveller campaign and give the latest version of the Cyberpunk rpg a try. But that was cancelled by a winter storm barreling through the region.

I bought the Cyberpunk RED rulebook a few weeks back, but haven't had the opportunity to dig into it. I mentioned this to Brett, the GM, and he suggested that we both read up on the system and then, together, we should be able to figure it out for this one shot.

That didn't happen. Good thing I have another week to read the book, because all I did this past week is watch a bunch of videos and skim through the book. I've run previous versions of the game. How much could it have changed? Right!

Damn, this book is so poorly organized it stresses me out to go through it. I want to play, but this is rough. Maybe I'll just watch more videos. 

I did find the Cyberpunk RED Easy Mode pdf on drivethrurpg. It's free, maybe, if you're interested, you should check it out. Here is the link: Cyberpunk Red Easy Mode.

I'm thinking of playing a solo. I just want to have a big gun, shoot some folks, and not have to worry about doing anything overly complex. I was working on a persona in the truck the other day... the voice started out kinda Russian, but then took a turn and went Dracula... it's ridiculous, but it might work.


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