The world of Adventure may appear familiar to you, but do not allow familiar coastlines and recognizable rivers and chains of mountains to make you incautious. The geography of the place hides ruins, arcanum, creatures, peoples, and chronologies both unknown and fantastic.
This setting is inspired by a lifetime of absorbing fantasy media, Dungeons & Dragons, personal preferences, and Google. But there are a few notable influences that brought things into focus, such as the map work of Callum Ogden, Ryan Pancoast's Frontier Fantasy, Mythic Odysseys of Theros, and the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from the 19th century. It's an odd assortment, but then it's an odd setting.
There are three current campaigns that have been run or are being run in the Realms of Adventure. Each of these has a separate page detailing the particulars of those games.
It's our world made fantastic!
The game is set in the untamed frontier region between the western kingdoms of Marsilon. In this vast wilderness there is a fortified town, Eldwyn’s Ledge, that marks the farthest outpost of civilization and law, but beyond and around that is sketchy wilderness. All the PCs are would-be adventurers based in this town. Adventuring is not a common or safe profession, so the player characters are the only ones interested in risking their lives in the wilderness in hopes of making a fortune (NPCs adventurers are few and far between). Between sorties into the wilds PCs rest up, trade info and plan their next foray in the cheery taproom of the Stumbling Celestial.
Hail splendid wanderer of paths unknown. Well met. Pause a moment and read my words.
You have been chosen from a select group of candidates for whom adventure is an avocation to be explored rather than avoided. Your help is requested for a most dangerous endeavor. The quest I lay before you, should you feel yourself up to the task, is to generate characters native to another world, a world of ferocious dragons and vast maze-like dungeons filled with peril, to then inhabit those characters, on a monthly basis, to face down and explore said dragons and dungeons, all while attempting to complete missions lesser beings would judge impossible. If this piques your interest, read on to the details beyond.

"Welcome to the end of the line. The badlands don't hold much promise. Maybe you've come to try your hand at copper mining or timber work, neither are easy, but both will earn you a kind of living. If you're here for the other thing, I'll warn you off. You don't want to go down there. Folks don't prosper from scavenging, I tell you, those stairs lead to nothing but an ugly death and a defiled corpse. But folks do it and some of 'em come back here and ain't chewed too bad."
"But if that's what you're here for, I wish you luck. Silver and gold and arcanum beyond imagining... that's the talk, might even be the reality. If nothing else, you won't be alone. Good luck."
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