Loke Books of Battle Mats
The quality is good. The art is fair. The usefulness... well, time will tell. I'm excited to use them and can envision a whole bunch of possibilities. Besides, each one of them comes with a blank grid map to increase their versatility.
I picked up three of the 2 book sets; The Dungeon, Castles, Crypts & Caverns, and Towns & Taverns. Like I just mentioned, each is a 2 book set of paired map sets. Meaning they can combined or used alone, depending on your needs and wants. You get 40 maps in each book, one per page or half that if you leave the book open and use facing pages. The spiral binding makes this easy, as the books lay flat. As long as your minis can hurdle the wire binding, you'll have no problems. Again, these books are designed so as you can use both of them together to create a 2-foot playing surface.
Finding a place to put them may be an issue. They're big and they don't fit on my office shelves. Which is probably my fault for making the shelves slightly undersized. They fit a standard rulebook, but not much larger than that. Anyway, 12x13 is too big. If you get the giant 16 inch battle map books... well, you've got space on your shelf that I just don't.
Having said that, I see there is a fourth set coming out, The Wilderness. I'll need to pick that one up and find room to add it to the collection. I debated about getting the Giant Battle Mat line of books, but I'm content with these smaller, two book sets. They will do nicely.
I've done some searching for The Wilderness battle mat book and it seems to have come out in 2021 and is out of stock everywhere. So unless it comes back in print or I find it used, I will have to do without.