
Secrets of Blackmoor

Tonight, I spent my Amazon credit to watch Secrets of Blackmoor: The True History of Dungeons & Dragons. It's not great, certainly not something for a disinterested audience, but if you're interested in the history of D&D or RPGs it's very interesting. Features a cast of alumni from the Blackmoor Group which was Dave Arneson's game group. An interesting discussion of how tabletop roleplaying developed and evolved to become the games we know today. Dave Arneson & Gary Gygax brought us D&D, but they didn't do so from a vacuum. There were a lot of other contributions pulled from the community of gamers from which they assembled their game. Much like today, it's the community of gamers all trying to make their games better and more fun that drives this hobby forward. 

Creature Codex

Having picked up the Tome of Beasts trio and having been impressed with the content and quality of those products I made the decision to grab the Creature Codex and add it to my collection of 5e books. It's a beast of a monster book, easily twice the thickness of most of my other books. This thing is a fatty. There's something like 400 creatures in this codex, including new varieties of angels, demons, dragons, dinosaurs, and golems. There are entries for a bunch of leader type creatures found in the Monster Manual, like centaurs, goblins, and a more. And a bunch of new undead that will be handy for the Adventure: Tombs of Cathedra setting. The back of the book includes sorted lists of the creatures by type, challenge rating, and terrain. It's everything you would expect from a monster book. There's some text about Midgard, the Kobold Press world setting, but you can use that or ignore it without any real impact. It's all flavor. You might even be inspired by some o

Retiring from the Early Sunday D&D Game

Hey all, things have been shifting around pretty unpredictably for awhile now. I'm afraid Sunday morning D&D isn't going to work with my schedule any longer and I'm going to drop from the game. It's been great and I've enjoyed playing with all of you. If things change in the future I'd be happy to come back. I'll leave the DnDBeyond campaign up so you all can continue to use it, but I won't be at the table for the foreseeable future.

Shadowdark RPG

My copy of the Shadowdark RPG has arrived. I've had the PDF for a few days. I ordered the hardcover book from The Arcane Library website and got the digital version immediately so as to tide me over and quench my curiosity. To put my feelings right up front; I really like this product. I like the idea behind it, the feel of the book, the look of the art, and the presentation of this particular flavor of 5e. It's very nicely done. This book presents a game that is very much classic fantasy roleplaying. Dungeon exploration is the main course, but there's rules here that extend that feel beyond the catacombs and into a world that meshes together nicely. This whole product gives me the feels that I had when I was first running and playing D&D in junior high. The players are adventurers on an adventure. They might become heroes, but they are not assumed to be heroes from the get go. They'll need to face the horrors in the dark and survive those horrors before they get

Tomes of Beasts

Too much to process... What have I done to myself? What was I thinking? I went out and had The Gamer's Warf get me all three of the Tome of Beasts books. I received a little performance bonus from work and this is what I've done with it. Now I'm suffering from an overabundance of monsters. What we're looking at here is 10 lbs. of beastly goodness. These three tomes come in at 1,260 pages of monster hunting possibilities. That's something like 1200 beasts, give or take, I'm not going to actually count them up. I haven't done much beyond flip through these three big books. They're each over 400 pages of beasts. The pages are glossy, the books well made, the art is good, and the monsters are plentiful. I'm not going to go through each entry and critique what I like and what I don't. There's too much. Too many things to look at. I image that these books are going to be a source of content for my games that will slip in slowly and over time as I

Tombs of Cathedra 1-Shot

The Dungeon Master for our D&D: Adventures in Eberron campaign took the night off and I took the opportunity to offer up a 1-Shot adventure for anyone who was interested. Three out of the four players who expressed interest showed up and that turned out to make for a great, fast moving game session. I provided some pregenerated 1st-level characters so that we could skip making characters and get right into the gameplay. Which worked out, because they were able to make it through the entire adventure in the 2.5 hours allotted to us. They chose a fighter, a cleric, and a rogue. Which is just about the perfect party for delving into an ancient tomb full of restless spirits and deadly traps. The Hook: The tavernkeep has been sponsoring scavengers into the ruins. His last group of proteges had a bit of bad luck and only one of them made it back to the fort. But... they did find a way in to the crypt. There is a cave above the tomb to the north. Some resourceful grave robbers have dug

Walton's Dice

I saw these dice on Etsy and thought they would be perfect for Walton Glaives, Investigative Wizard Extraordinaire & Abjuration Savant. But they were expensive and I couldn't justify the purchase. Still can't, but I got into a mood and bought them anyway. The fact that they offered a 11-die set was the kicker. They're very wizardry. These are the Sapphire Blue Astrology Dice Set by CrystalMaggie on Etsy. I picked them up on sale, 25% off, but they still cost me $85. Which is more than I paid for the beautiful metal Die Hard Dice I picked up a few years back. I can be a spendthrift, but dice are not a thing that should cost a lot of money. The dice arrived today, so how does the reality of them compare to the website? The first three pictures are from the website and make the dice look stunning. The pictures above are just me snapping a couple quick shots with my phone, they look less stunning, but still nice. I added the grey d20 in there to show that these dice are sli

Easter - No D&D Today

  The adventures of both Thergale the Verdant and Walton Glaives have been put on hiatus for this Sunday so that everyone can spend time celebrating the Easter holiday in whatever fashion they will. I will be going to visit my in-laws where we hope to eat chinese food and enjoy each others company. Happy Easter! If you're into that sort of thing. Happy Sunday, if you're not.

Early Sunday D&D - I'm a No Go, No Show Today

Despite all my prep work, Thergale the Verdant isn't coming out of his folder today. I touched up the paint on his miniature. I reworked my character sheet and game reference materials. I'm just not feeling it. I just let them know in our Discord channel that I won't be there today. My voice is shot. This damn cough is annoying. And maybe I'm just tired, but I'm not feeling it today. But I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick's day!

Adventure: The 3-Dragon Problem Problems

The Three-Dragon Problem campaign is supposed to be running monthly, but it isn't. I've got lots of ideas and plans that will probably not come to fruition. I'm enjoying it, but its a rough haul. Monthly is a tough schedule for an ongoing campaign, I don't feel I'm getting as much investment in the game as I'd like and its tough to keep everyone engaged with that much time between games. The group made characters and had our session zero in January 2023, but then it was 22-days before they got to play those characters. We ran through a 2-part adventure where we had a 28-day break between part 1 and part 2. The next session was 13-days later, but it was something of a flop, where things got bogged down in town. Then there was a huge break of 70-days before the group made it to an ambush on the road leading to a goblin bandit cave. It was another 64-days before we got back together and they walked into the town they left for seven months ago in the real world. It&

Adventure Prep

I've been wanting to run a game and have been doing a bunch of prep for that possibility. Initially, I was thinking of running a traditional campaign sort of thing, but Adventure: The Three-Dragon Problem mostly fills that roll. The more thought given to the idea, the more it has evolved into an open table idea. Short excursions out from a central location. Adventures that are not dependent on what has come before, but which are interconnected with those and with adventures yet to come. Something that can support a wide a mix of characters and a diverse, but narrower, mix of both character level and player experience. I like the idea of the " West Marches " style campaign, but haven't had much luck putting the game in the hands of the players in that way. Everybody says they hate a "railroad" but nobody wants to drive the adventure, so in my experience you've got to give them a road trip: a straight line to where they're going with the opportunity t

Bob's Dragon Slayers #01

Today, I am joining a new group of fellow adventurers. It's another D&D 5e game, this time DMed by my buddy Bob, who plays the half-orc trio in Random Encounters and was part of our initial Cyberpunk crew. My understanding is that it'll be 6 players and every session will be a level for the first 10 levels.  I'm late to the party, because I thought I needed to leave room in my schedule for my own campaign. Apparently not; we haven't played since November, so that may have died the unspoken death. Anyway, they're level 5, so I assume I've missed at least that many sessions. I've decided to play a dwarf barbarian in this game and that's what I showed up to the table with... Druss Lorgan the Ironroar , blackest name amongst the Shield Dwarves of Icewind Dale. Mountain dwarf. Path of the berserker barbarian. Inspired by a mix of David Gemmell's Druss the Legend and Joe Abercrombie's Logan Ninefingers . He's a big, powerful dwarf who's see