D&D: Adventures in Eberron - It's a 1-Shot Kind of Night

Typically there are six of us on this bi-Wednesday game night, but a combination of factors left all but two of us unable to attend. Aviv and I were talking about what we wanted to do when a walk-in joined the table and made the nights adventure more viable.

Aviv had his new MCDM Flee Mortals! book and wanted to discover if running straight out of the book was as easy as we've heard. So, Sharai and I spent a few minutes modifying our characters down to 3rd level. Actually, she leveled her character down to three and I put the finishing touches on a 3rd level fighter I'd worked up for the Early Sunday D&D game. Once we were done and Aviv had put the finishing touches on the nights scenario we jumped into the action.

Aviv ran the game, Sharai played Aurora Sylvan, a half-elf ranger, and I played Solaris Marcel Grescian, a half-elf fighter. We drew the Judgement card from the Decuma deck and determined that our group had revealed the truth that the mayor of Lastlight was in allegiance with the goblin bandits that were accosting travelers and merchants on the High Road, which may have had something to do with why we were or the road east to the coast. Power and skepticism make for uncomfortable bedfellows.

Of course we were ambushed by goblins on the road, a sniper, a warrior, and a trio of lackeys. We split the group and made short work of them, killing most of them and sending two scurrying off into the wilds beyond the road. We watched as they lifted a hatch in the ground and disappeared into it. Knowing we were dealing with goblins and where there is one tunnel hatch there will be several others, we should make tracks out of the area or go after them. But we were both pretty badly beat up and couldn't safely make time for a short rest, so I drew upon my second wind and Aurora used her healing magic on herself.


Of course, we took a few moments to loot the bodies search for evidence of the mayor's involvement on the persons of our fallen foes. A few copper and silver coins, which were to be expected from these road brigands. But, there was a shining gold piece found on one of the goblins and that is not common currency for the types of folk these bandits would be preying on. A sure sign that there is more here than meets the eye.

Less beat up, we took up pursuit of the goblins with hopes of finding undeniable proof of the mayor's wrongdoings. Aurora tore the hatch from it's moorings and descended into the underworld. I protected her decent with my bow, but I couldn't shoot the pit trap that awaited her at the bottom of the rungs. I descended and helped her out of the 10-foot deep pit she had fallen noisily into, the bottom was lined with metal cook pots and tin buckets which made quite a racket upon her impact.

Back on our game, we realized the tunnel opened into a cave and the cave was full of spiderwebs. Not one for strands of spider silk clinging all over me, I dug out a torch and struck flame to it, burning away the webs in our immediate vicinity and drawing the attention of their source and a web-trapped goblin. The goblin screamed for aid. The spider glinted in the torchlight with metal plates adorning it's torso and sword blades strapped to its legs. 

Aurora complained that if it weren't for the torch neither of them would know we were here. I argued that without the torch we'd be awash in gross webbing. Then we went into spider killing mode. Arrows flashed, swords swung, the goblin screamed for us to target the legs and continued a near constant plea for help. It was all great, right up until the spider got it's second 'Nat 20' on Solaris and he dropped face first onto the cave floor. Three rounds later the death saves had been made, Aurora was still standing, the goblin had freed itself, the spider slain, and Solaris was bundled in a cocoon of webbing... Time's up. We'll have to call it there for the night so that the store can close up shop.

I had a good time. Aviv ran a fun scenario. Sharai was great and I'm glad I had a chance to meet her. Hopefully she'll be back next session when we return to the giant ruined city and face off with the King of Feathers.

If you'd like to join us, check out the Facebook group we've got going: The Gaming Warehouse Role Playing Group, we meet every other Wednesday at 6:30 PM and run until 9:00 PM and we'd love to see you there.


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