Cyberpunk RED: Drago Done Wrong

Hey Chummer, there's a new crew on the streets of Night City, running the edge, sporting the look, and making everything more personal. Cyberpunk RED is about to get redefined, the rules are made to be broken and these Edgerunners are just lookin' for a chance to slammit on.

Brett is our Gamemaster as we give the Cyberpunk RED system a try. The crew consists of three of the baddest Streetrats ever to run the edge.

Bob is playing Mel the Nomad, a transport expert, ultimate road warrior, pirate, and smuggler working to keep the world connected. Weirdly, he has no gun, but that's just a sign of how off the rails this dude is.

Mike is playing Grant M Phillips the Medtech fixing what's broken, stabbed, or shot in the gang. He's not a sanctioned doctor or cyberware medic, but he's a steady hand at patching up meat and metal alike.

I'm playing as Drago, a Solo assassin, bodyguard, killer, and soldier-for-hire in this lawless new world.

We started off working for a Fixer named Lazlo doing 'recovery' work. We had the McGuffin we recovered pre-game and our drop was changed by a call from a nervous sounding Lazlo, which is never a good sign. The new drop was at an abandoned warehouse, after dark, in the rain. We showed up early to scope the place out and get the jump on any trouble that might be instore. We weren't early enough. 

One way in and no way out seems the right way to set the scene. There was a handful of toughs skulking in the shadows around the chummer waiting for us. Probably, just looking for an excuse to slammit on, Mel took the cat and made the initial approach, but got shooed off before he could do much more than confirm that it wasn't Lazlo standing in the rain. Of course.

Grant and Drago made second contact and this unknown chummer made all the right noises about Lazlo in the most disrespectful ways. We called Mel back in to hand off the McGuffin and make the exchange for our cache of eurobucks. Everything looked on the up-and-up in the dark, in the rain, surrounded by concealed gunners, and we took our leave. No shots fired. In the light of the van, things looked 'funny'. Nobody here is an expert, but we've all been paid in enough currency to know when things don't look right. This was funny money and that's a no-no with this crew. We do a job. We get our due.

Drago slipped out of the van as it left the gated lot, intending to have a discussion about the proper  payment options with the unknown banker, but before he stepped out from the detritus around the place, a NCPD ride showed up and everybody hopped in without a pair of handcuffs in sight, and then they drove off. Bad lawmen working the edge? Answers were needed and Lazlo wasn't responding to his agent. Maybe, couldn't respond to his agent. 

We loaded up and took ourselves off to Sally's Bar, where a couple of well greased palms got us the quick and dirty on Lazlo's crib, L-Tower in the CorpHouse. We hadn't realized Lazlo was a corp agent, he didn't seem stiff enough for that kinda gig. Maybe there was a story there. Maybe a little B&E would tell that tale. 

Finding the place and getting in were no trouble for this crew. Unfortuneately, what we found in Lazlo's crib was not great. I mean don't get me wrong, I can make plenty good use out of both the SMG and the assault rifle, but there was no sign of our fixer and too many signs that he was involved with the boys in blue. Our funny money distributer is a chummer named Leonard Heston and when I put in a call to the station house, they knew the name, but he was 'out'. 

So, we need to collect our fee from a lawman who may or may not be on the up and up. I'm betting not. Probably should at least try and find out what's become of Lazlo. Looks like this one shot is gonna take a few more casings. Later chummer.


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