Adventure #11: Denwar Jellies

2024/06/01 Session 11: Denwar Jellies (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Ronn, Zak)

12 Winterwane 5023

4.25 days travel from Old Owl Well to Dwarven Excavation.

13 Winterwane 5023

4.25 days travel from Old Owl Well to Dwarven Excavation.

14 Winterwane 5023

Croften Gulch. Outskirts of Weaverville. Oregon Mountain Summit. Made camp just west of the La Grange Mine.

15 Winterwane 5023

Descended into Poison Gulch and followed the river. Eagle Rock Quarry office and Slattery Pond. Junction City. Crossed the Trinity. Deep Gulch. Soldier Creek before Bell Gulch and back into the mountains. They made rough camp on the shores of Soldier Creek where their path would take them away from the creekbed in the morning.

16 Winterwane 5023

A two hour hike up into the canyon brought the group to the denwar excavation at Hayfork Bally. DWARVEN EXCAVATION - Yellow Mold, Black Pudding, Orcs.

Dazlyn Grayshard and Norbus Ironrune are denwar prospectors and business partners. While looking for gold in the mountains southwest of Weaverville, they decided to explore a nearby canyon and found evidence of an ancient denwar settlement buried by an avalanche. They’ve spent the past several months clearing the rubble and scouring the ruins for treasure, but have found nothing of value so far.

Dazlyn Grayshard

Norbus Ironrune

ochre jelly

Behind the settlement, carved into the back wall of the canyon, is an old temple of Abbathor, the angel of greed. During solar eclipses, Abbathor is appeased with sacrifices of blood and gemstones. A earthquake and subsequent avalanche collapsed parts of the temple and buried the settlement.

The Order warned Dazlyn and Norbus of the white dragon. But the grateful denwar then tempted the adventurers into more acts of derring do by offering their sending stones in trade for the characters ridding the temple of the monsters within.

Ole Gunny Barrett

Darnel Collier

shining bile


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