D&D Revised Release Dates

I've been waiting for the dates on the revised core rules for D&D and they have finally been released. I have mixed feelings. I'm very excited to see them and get my copies, but the dates just don't make much sense to me.

2024 Player's Handbook                 September 17, 2024

2024 Dungeon Master's Guide November 12, 2024

2025 Monster Manual                 February 18, 2025

First off, it's the 50th anniversary of the game and they can't even get all the books out this year, which means it'll be next year before we can all get our boxed set of the three rulebooks. That's pretty lame.

They missed the actual anniversary, which was at the end of January, and would have been the best date in my book, but probably not great from a sales and marketing standpoint. The end of January would miss the holiday season and be right, smack-dab, in the middle of the school year for everybody. I'm not really surprised that didn't happen.

But September 17th doesn't seem any better. You missed the summer convention season, you missed GenCon, school has already started, and you're not anywhere near the holiday shopping season. Seems like a terrible place in the schedule to release your biggest core book, the Player's Handbook.

The DMG coming out in November makes more sense and will be out in time for black Friday and the Christmas holiday shopping. This falls right in the spot I was kinda expecting the new rules to land in, but then you're only getting two core books for the holiday.

The revised Monster Manual doesn't even get released in 2024. Nope. That'll be coming out in February of 2025, which both breaks the idea of the 2024 revision and releases just in time for absolutely nothing. So silly.

But that's just my thoughts on it. So far, I'm not impressed with the 50th anniversary of the greatest game in the world. I expected more. I expected better. Maybe the Pop-Tarts partnership will make up for it... probably not.


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