Traveller #002: Back on the Road
It's been a while, but we were able to get together at The Gamer's Wharf to play some Traveller and continue the adventures of "Lucky" Daryen Gravic. The game store we were playing at closed, everybody got busy, and as such there hasn't been a game session since I last mentioned it on September 23rd. So you haven't missed anything.
We found ourselves down a couple of crewmembers, but the action continued aboard the quarantined and contaminated Deepnight Endeavor. Rounding out the team were Jeff "Mega" Credit, who is both our employer and a Deepnight financier, and "Danger" William Robison, our engineer. We can only hope that the other two members of the team return to the game next time around.
We continued to work with the ships engineering crew to clear the ship by exposing the alien fungus to the vacuum of space, battle the zombified crew members infected by the fungus, and work around the trip-falls placed before us by the uncooperative command crew. As we progressed we discovered that not all the engineers were working to facilitate our mission. One in particular was actively working to preserve the fungal colony aboard the ship. A dirty mind-reading psychic, this particular engineer had begun referring to the fungus as "The Entity" and sought to allow it to propagate as it would.
In the end, Lucky shot the troublemaker in an exchange of gunfire. The other team members kept her alive, but isolated her in a makeshift brig while the rest of the ship was cleansed of the fungus. The larger issue of investigating and/or destroying the source planet of the fungus was left to government forces and we returned the Deepnight Endeavor to known space and saved the company and stockholders a fortune.
Shortly after our return, we received an invitation to join a 10-year mission to explore the void space and more extensively investigate The Entity. Work's work and never being one to stay in one place long, it seems probable that Lucky will follow MegaCredit and the rest of the team in joining this expedition...
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