Adventure #6: A Rival Rescue
2023/09/30 Session 6: A Rival Rescue (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Ronn, Zak)
4 Winterwane 5023
The members of The Order of Righteous Peregrination have been captured by the Redbrands and are held beneath the ruins of Tresendar Manor in Weaverville. It has been a long and unpleasant 48-hours.
However, the heroes of Eureka are not the only adventurers looking to make a name for themselves, find a fortune, and bust some heads in the wild expanse that is the Lost Coast. And here in Weaverville there is a gang of five vagabonds competing with the Order for the hearts and minds of the camp. These rivals are calling themselves The Glimmering Company and their membership consists of the following rogues:
- Tymek Brangohr, a denwarf mercenary soldier turned priest of Purphoros hailing from the Mountain Gate camp north of Redding. Led by conscience and faith to bring issue to oppressors and bullies who cross his path.
- Miralar Vilalath, an aelfar who, like all her kind, has an affinity for and skill in the use of magic. Unlike most of her kind, she is a dedicated follower of Purphoros. There is some connection betwix she and Daran Edermath.
- Ankas Whispercloak, a redana thief and former member of the Redbrands with a chip on her shoulder, grudge against the Mercantile Consortium, and a larcenous streak.
- Nyah Jahril, a homen roughneck and childhood survivor of the disaster at Orleans. Cursed by a fae prince and blamed for a series of events that follow the company like a shadow of ill fortune.
- Firam Hinosor, a homen warrior from Redding. She hails from a family of wealth and privilege and is seeking adventure which might also lead to securing the region for the expansion and development of civilization.
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The Glimmering Company (Tymek, Miralar, Anakas, Nyah, Firam) |
The Glimmering Company arrived in the camp a week back and has taken warnings of the dragon activity to several of the more remote locals. The mayor sending them off to warn denwar prospectors led to clearing a ruined settlement of an infestation of strange gray ooze creatures. Taking word to the nome king and asking for magical aid, led them on a mimic hunt and more politicing than expected. Returning from Butterskull Ranch where they found themselves rescuing Alfonse Kalazorn from roving scro, they were approached by Daran Edermath with the news that a fellow band of wanderers had fallen victim to the Redbrands. One of the children in town had directed them to a cave beyond Tresendar Manor and the rumor about town is that they haven’t been seen since. Knowing the Redbrands are using and restoring Tresendar Manor as their own, and knowing their inclination to chase off adventurous types, Daran Edermath suggested a bit of reconnaissance and rescue.
Descending into the ruin, they faced off with a half-dozen redbrands, avoided traps, destroyed animated skeletal undead, and rescued both these fellow adventurers and the missing townsfolk, Mirna Dendrar, wife of the murdered constable, and her teenage children, Nars (13) and Nilsa (18). The town rejoiced in the return of Thel Dendrar’s family.
Though her family has nothing to offer as a reward, Mirna Dendrar was overhead to tell her rescuers of a family heirloom hidden in the ruins of her childhood home.
When Mirna was a young girl, she and her family fled from the town of Orleans after the place was overrun by undead. Her family had an herb and alchemy shop, inside which a case containing an emerald necklace was hidden beneath a section of storage shelves. She never dared to return and retrieve it. The shop was in the southeast part of Orleans. If the Company chose to seek that necklace she would be happy for them to keep it with her blessings and the thanks of her family.
Released from their captivity the members of the Order grabbed their equipment and stumbled from the cellars and back to the Stonehill Inn. As they passed through the Tresendar Crypts, Chane, checked the sarcophagi and determined that the fallen skeletons were not those of the Tresendar scions, finding and pocketing a platinum signet ring (value 50 gp) in process.
Back at the inn they were fed a warm meal, allowed to bathe the filth from their bodies, and tend their wounds before sleeping away the exhaustion of the ordeal they had survived. On the morrow, they are to meet with Sildar Hallwinter, gauge the immediacy of the threat to their persons, and determine if another venture into the Redband headquarters is necessary.
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