Early Sunday D&D: Thergale #002

August 20, 2023

I have not returned home. I am a traveler on a strange, far flung world. I am using all my skills to appear capable and competent, but I have little grasp of the situation I’ve found myself entangled in. Celestials, sparks, and returnals. The momentum of my companions and the play of events carries me ever forward. I can only harness that energy and use it to make a place for myself.

After stopping the attack on the Black Monastery my traveling companions and I were invited in to take food with the monks and get some rest after our ordeal. Also, I think I mentioned a giant. Everyone has their own giant issues.

I have a strong suspicion that the stew was generously flavored with bandit. Unsurprising given the remote location of this place, dark countenance of the place, and the lack of crops or livestock in the area, but still an unpleasant realization come upon too late. From here on out, bread shall make up the totality of my sustenance. The meal did not seem to have any effect on the disposition of the ooze, such a bizarre creature I have never before come upon. Discussions of religion with the master of the monastery did little to calm my suspicions.

Hope for sleep and a quick departure were dashed by the monastic nature of the place. Rest came in the dormitories and was not as refreshing as one might hope. Small cots, tightly packed spaces, and far more snoring than I am accustomed to. The next morning came with a treat, our cannibalistic hosts allowed us to witness a ceremony of dark magic, shadow manipulation, and the absorption of befoulment from the skull of some long dead, ancestral brother. This sucked the light from the room and transformed the monks into living shadows. I’ve done some things, but working for these monks doesn’t seem to be a great option. They raise a level of discomfort within me that I have not often felt. And now they want us to kill a giant that is living nearby. I have reservations.

My new elf friend, Gus, scouted ahead and found the camp of the giant on a nearby mesa. The goliath with us, Addann, being able to speak the tongue of giants saved us from committing grave murder. I am not one to sing the praises of the giant-folk, but this frostriese couple were not quick to take up arms and were happy-enough to parlay. The giant, an astronomer studying the sky, and his lady-wife proved to be cordial hosts and were open to the idea of relocating. But, unsurprisingly, they did not think highly of the monks of the Black Monastery. But we were traversed back to the monastery on a cloud by means of some magic I did not recognize. Not surprising, yet, fascinating. Before we could come to an agreement between the frostriese and the dark brotherhood, the elves' footwear caused something of a todo.

Perhaps the boots had not been gifted as I suspected. I attempted to soothe the situation, but to no avail. Challenges were issued, reparations demanded, and victory procured. Gus managed to defeat the challenger and to not only keep his boots, but to ‘procure’ a second pair during the Challenge of Shadows, a test of stealth and observation.

Begrudgingly, the giants agreed to move on, I returned to the monastery, and the monks allowed us access to the sacred circle. I was not prepared for either of the latter. Stepping to the Circle was both unnerving and strangely revealing of this world's history.

The world was revealed to me as a vision or waking dream. Various places were shown and identified as sites of the First Ones. A great pylon was revealed and shown to be below a city, Ierra, the capital of the Returnal. It was a view beyond anything I would have expected impossible, but from the viewpoint of the gods. Frightening. Fascinating. And yet, they seem to have experienced this before, my companions. It is a strange company I have found myself among.

One of us spoke and asked of the circle, more knowledge of Davillian and a scene unfolded before us.

Three celestial enforcers tracked down Davillian, confronting the thief with his prize, The Spark, a miniscule fragment of a god. A battle ensued and the enforcers overpowered and captured the rogue celestial. With the threat subdued the enforcers feared that the Spark was either too weak to survive the return trip back to The Great One or too corrupted by the thief's magic to be returned. The enforcers made the choice to hide The Spark and to sunder Davillian, dividing the celestial thief into 12 fragments, weakening him enough to never be a threat again.

The power involved here seems somehow both arcane and artifice, and in some ways of divine origin. The circle raised visions and answered questions put to those visions. It is still unclear to me what these companions of mine are about, but I still have few options but to continue on and see what may come. They seek to thwart the Returnal and aid or restore a fallen god through the finding of the celestial thief, Davillian. Our way is set on a path toward the Sanctuary of the Beholder and the rescue/release of the thief imprisoned therein. We may have found a means of entry utilizing the wheels of bureaucracy and facility maintenance. The circle showed us our destination and allowed us to communicate with the reeve of the stronghold, perhaps we will be able to charm our way into the place and cause a bit of mischief.

Additional queries regarding  the Returnal revealed that they have created a fleet of dire airships and then resulted in a crossing of streams which showed us a group of dwarves working with the circle and, unfortunately, showed our presence within the magic to those same dwarves. We were quick to disconnect from the magic and avoid an assault or identification by the others.

We head out next for a meet with the prison reeve, Jimbob, and the deception of clearing a befouled privy within the Sanctuary of the Beholder.

Thergale the Verdant,

excerpt from the Arcanum Majoris Obscura


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