Early Sunday D&D: A Meetup Group

I've joined another Meetup group playing D&D. This one meets in the morning, hence the very on the nose name of the group, Early Sunday D&D. Playing at Schuler Books from 10am to 2pm, which gives me an hour between this game and the Random Encounter group playing at Out of the Box.

After asking about any special character creation rules, level guidelines, and house rules that I might need to know, I was told to go wild and not be afraid to get creative. Level up to 6th level and everything else will be explained at the game. I suggested a dwarf barbarian or human warlock. And I made a dwarf barbarian that I was looking forward to playing. Of course the follow-up message said they already had a barbarian and the warlock would avoid overlap. Warlock it is.

And so I have birthed from my fertile imagination and the D&D core rules, Thergale the Verdant, a human warlock with an Archfey patron and sworn to the Pact of the Blade.

DM Aaron has only recently taken over this group, say, 3-4 months back. Seems the previous DM moved, quit, or something. DM Aaron has never done this before, but I will refrain from unwanted advice. The group itself, or the campaign anyway, has been going on for a while. I'll have to pick up some of the context, campaign factions, and world information as we go from the other players. 

Sounds like they have a Discord with a bunch of info on it... I'll check that out.

I wasn't the only newbie, I was joined by Gus the Elf, and our introduction to the group was coupled through coincidence. Handy and expedient. 

This is a big group, something like 17 people in their Discord channel. But not everyone shows up every time and some folks have moved away or stopped actively playing. Still, there were six of us sitting around the table this morning and a couple of no shows. DM Aaron mentioned that he's closing the group Meetup as they're full and I can agree with that. Apparently, I got the last spot.

Five characters and two DM NPCs made up the party on this fine Sunday Morning. That's a lot and things move as slowly around the table as might be expected. I'd really like to advise the DM to dump the two NPCs as party members, they're unnecessary, but I'll hold my advice until I get a better feel for the DM, the table, and the group as a unit.

I'm going to post a session summary on the Discord and I'll put a copy of it here as well.


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