D&D: Adventures in Eberron - Nine Days on the Trail

This session was run by the Emily, our usual DM, and the party consists of:

Xaerv played by Julian
Caverick Strawton played by Jeremy
Edgariel Grandsword played by Dighton
Carsten Brich played by Ronn

We return to the game table on our fourth day of travel through the jungle of Xen'drik. It is some point in the month of Rhaan, but the exact day escapes me. Suffice to say that it is early autumn and none of their is little evidence of the changing seasons in our environs. For three days we followed a swampy branch of The Hydra south-southeast.

Day 4: a pack of dinosaurs chase a wild boar into our camp during the night. Noticing us, the dinosaurs break off chasing the boar and focus on us. We spring to our own defense, but the fight is cut short when Edgariel Grandsword (elf wizard/artificer) transforms into an even larger dinosaur and chases them off.

Day 6: As we travel down river Caverick Strawton (human druid) attracts the attention of a constrictor snake looking for a easy breakfast. A quick bit of magic ensured that particular snake would not cause any further threat to anyone. That afternoon our party came to a web choked clearing along the trail and were not surprised to find the place infested with giant spiders. We cleared the trail, slew four of the spiders and moved through the area.

Day 8: After seven days of travelling along the river, our paths diverged and we struck out to traverse the jungle.

Day 12: As we camped overnight on our fifth day away from the river, during Edgariel's watch, our camp was visited by a diverse band of druids. These druids, The Children of Winter, consisted of an elf, two shifters, a dwarf, a human, and a half elf. While he did not wake or warn anyone, our elven wizard did engage these visitors in conversation. He asked only about things we had already taken care of and did not broach the subject of the trail ahead, the Crown of Winter we found, or anything else that might be helpful to our quest. Hopefully, this will not result in any misfortunes on our path.


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