
Showing posts from August, 2023

D&D Spellbook Cards | Arcane

I bought the D&D SPELLBOOK CARDS | Arcane to use at the table with both Thergale the Verdant and Walton Glaives , my warlock and wizard characters, both of who cast spells of the arcane magic type. This pack only includes the spells from the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, but an expansion has been made for Xanathar's spells.  These cards are from GaleForce9 has created a set of cards that are lacking in art, but full of playable information. The art is lacking in any pizaz, the cards are very red and cream with the spell level and the three arcane class symbols surrounded by a solid border on the back. Functional, but boring. The face of the cards adds black text to the mix and includes all the information you might need to know what your spell does. You get the spell name, casting time, range, components, and duration. You also get the spell description and particulars printed on the card... in the smallest font known to man. It's very small. My eyes aren...

Early Sunday D&D: Thergale #002

August 20, 2023 I have not returned home. I am a traveler on a strange, far flung world. I am using all my skills to appear capable and competent, but I have little grasp of the situation I’ve found myself entangled in. Celestials, sparks, and returnals. The momentum of my companions and the play of events carries me ever forward. I can only harness that energy and use it to make a place for myself. After stopping the attack on the Black Monastery my traveling companions and I were invited in to take food with the monks and get some rest after our ordeal. Also, I think I mentioned a giant. Everyone has their own giant issues. I have a strong suspicion that the stew was generously flavored with bandit. Unsurprising given the remote location of this place, dark countenance of the place, and the lack of crops or livestock in the area, but still an unpleasant realization come upon too late. From here on out, bread shall make up the totality of my sustenance. The meal did not seem to have a...

Random Encounter #002:

  I need to write up the Random Encounter session. I went, I just didn't write it up. Some stuff happened.  Different group dynamics every time with the rotating cast of characters. Satyr's cult headed to the Warlocks Crypt on the maps Coming off a long rest with the Cult and preparing to go into the Warlocks Crypt.

Adventure #5: It All Ends In Defeat

  2023/08/12 Session 5: Welcome to Weaverville (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Ronn, Zak ( on Zoom ) ) 1 Winterwane 5023 The members of The Order of Righteous Peregrination arrive in Weaverville late in the day seeking a hot meal, a strong drink, and a room for the night at the inn. Before any of that can happen, the group is questioned on the road outside Weaverville by a trio of red-cloaked sentries. The Order had seen enough of these cloaks to recognize a Redbrand ruffian when they saw one. These three seemed to be, and in fact, claimed to be working under the authority of the mayor. The hobgoblin, Vranden Charoz , was forbidden entry to the town. Yet another show of goblin intolerance and racism in this region. The Order was set to contest this, but seeing no support forthcoming from Sildar Hallwinter , they conceded to the local ordinance. Brandon shrugged it off and set to find a campsite outside of town. Eyrowyn Cwycyshyn left the party to join him. In the end violence was neit...

Early Sunday D&D: Thergale #001

08/06/2023 One moment you're hosting the biggest, best birthday gala yet, talking with the mayor, and thinking that all the sacrifices have quite possibly proven their worth. Suddenly, the night sky disappears, swallowed by the light of a single star, then oblivion. When next you gather your senses you are adrift in a sea of black, slowly falling toward an unrecognizable world, faster and faster, and finally you are deposited in a snow bank dressed in your celebratory finery and freezing your ass off. Things did not start well. Detritus from my home was scattered about, along with a few unfortunate guests whose fall had not reached nearly so auspicious an end as had mine. I retrieved my blade from the former mayor and turned to discover that solitude was not to be a worry. An elf unknown to me, save the briefest of greetings at the gala, climbed from a deep drift of snow and drew steel as I approached. Violent. I noted, more decidedly, that he was holding the purse of one Purcival ...

ICE Middle-Earth Role Playing

DM Mike being unavailable to run the Random Encounter group through Dungeons & Dragons adventures this week, we shall instead travel to other realms and play by other rules. This Sunday will be Iron Crown Enterprises' Middle-Earth Role Playing, run by GM Bob. Most of the group skipped gameday, but we picked up two players from the hobby store regulars at Out of the Box and that gave us four players and a GM. I'd never played any of the I.C.E. games, so this was all new to me. The system is very skill based and being old school, the skills involve a bit of math to figure out the values. Fortunately, there was a hefty stack of premade characters to choose from. I left mine with the GM, so I don't remember much about the character specifics. I choose a mounted warrior, I believe he was a rider of Rohan. So, some armor and a sword, bonuses to fighting on horseback. He was a warrior, that's really all you need to know. We started out defending a small fort that was exper...

Early Sunday D&D: A Meetup Group

I've joined another Meetup group playing D&D. This one meets in the morning, hence the very on the nose name of the group, Early Sunday D&D. Playing at Schuler Books from 10am to 2pm, which gives me an hour between this game and the Random Encounter group playing at Out of the Box . After asking about any special character creation rules, level guidelines, and house rules that I might need to know, I was told to go wild and not be afraid to get creative. Level up to 6th level and everything else will be explained at the game. I suggested a dwarf barbarian or human warlock. And I made a dwarf barbarian that I was looking forward to playing. Of course the follow-up message said they already had a barbarian and the warlock would avoid overlap. Warlock it is. And so I have birthed from my fertile imagination and the D&D core rules, Thergale the Verdant, a human warlock with an Archfey patron and sworn to the Pact of the Blade. DM Aaron has only recently taken over this gro...