Adventure #4: Goblin Trouble

 2023/06/10 Session 4: Goblin Trouble (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Madeline, Ronn, Zak (on Zoom))

1 Winterwane 5023

Early in the day, the members of The Order of Righteous Peregrination were overtaken by an aelfar woman on horseback, who approached without malice and with only minor curiosity in our eclectic band of travelers. Identifying herself as Lúthien the Spider, a tradeswoman and entrepreneur of many and varied interests. Showing off an adamantine staff whose head was exquisitely shaped into a large, convincing spider and explaining that her nom de plume is a result of her extensive web of agents, investors, clients, and suppliers. “My associates say, I am like a spider at the center of my web, pulling the strings of commerce and progress.” With dark hair threaded with silver wisps and a cloak spun with a silver web design, she had undoubtedly embraced the analogue.

Lúthien the SpiderLúthien claimed to be looking for a trio of dwarven brothers, the Rock-something-or-others, with whom she hoped to engage in some form of investment and seeking news of a homen mercenary, Nyah Jahril, whom they would recognize immediately by his having two shadows.  She traveled the road with our band of noted adventurers speaking freely and intelligently. Upon reflection the characters learned little of her and found themselves carrying the weight of the conversation which spanned a variety of subjects and seemed designed to reveal more to her curiosity about the identities, allegiances, interests, and goals of such a renowned band of adventures.

She gave a veiled warning that Weaverville might prove a dangerous place to them and that said danger might come from further interaction with the Redbrands, but would say nothing specific or actionable. Conversation and the relative ease of the road came to a sudden halt as the travelers came around a bend and discovered a pair of horses lying in the road, black fletched scro arrows protruding from their carcasses.

Investigating the scene, Eryowyn confirmed everyone's dread, while one of the horses was an obvious Agwainian cavalry horse, the other… that other horse was Gundren Rockseeker’s pony, Bromly Blue. The group determined a struggle had ended with the riders being dragged away from the road and north into the forest, and before they could do more they were ambushed by goblins

Three goblins were quickly dispatched, but a fourth escaped up the same trail that the captives had been dragged along. Lúthien assured the group that she would remain with the horses and the wagon full of supplies while they investigated and with that the Order of Righteous Peregrination set off in pursuit of the last goblin and answers to what had befallen their friend.

The trail was an obvious one to follow, but turned out to be laden with traps. Avoiding snares and pit traps the party came to the end of the path and into another ambush in a clearing heavy with thickets and cut by a shallow stream which originated from a large cave opening. Arrows streaked from the thickets, launched by goblin sentries, but a quick bit of spell slinging dropped one goblin and the other raced into the cave to cry the alarm. “Intruders! They’re here! Intruders!”

Horatio cast light upon Garnet’s sword and the group started forward. Immediately inside the cave the band was faced by a trio of angry wolves chained to a stalagmite in a chamber filthy with animal waste and a variety of detritus tossed down a steep, narrow passage. Eryowyn soothed the beasts with trail rations and soothing words in the Speech of the Woods. The wolves were freed from their bonds and raced off to disappear into the woods beyond the cave.

The band convened in the twin pools cave and Horatio cast light upon a stalagmite. The goblins had gathered in another cave above the band and Heratio cast a sleep spell upon them. This was followed by a roar and half-a-dozen sleeping goblins being kicked down the steep stairs. As they tumbled down the stairs and lay groaning at the feet of our noble band, a roaring voice from above issued a challenge. “Come and face Klarg. Klarg waits to smash your bones.” Klarg the bugbear, his great wolf Ripper, and two goblins remained above. They were not prepared for the assault they faced as the band charged up the stairs and met the challenge. The two goblins went down quickly, the wolf was spell blasted, and Klarg tried to escape down the shit-slide, but was caught and felled in the wolf kennel before he could even get to his feet. The band was successful in freeing the goblins of Klarg and putting Yeemik in charge.

But the little bastard wasn’t true to his word, refusing to release his captive and the Order of Righteous Peregrination was in no mood to be thwarted. Dartina jumped the rift and restored the bridge, the band raced across, saved the captive, killed Yeemik, and accepted the surrender of the remaining goblins.

The goblins captive was an Ajwainian soldier, Sildar Hallwinter, who had been traveling with Gundren Rockseeker. 

After surrendering the goblins were keen to be as helpful as possible and to avoid the fate of both their leaders. They loudly divulged all they thought the victors would want to know and did their best to answer the questions put to them. From the goblins they learned a few bits of information:

    Sildar Hallwinter

  • The eighteen goblins dwelling in the lair are members of the Cragmaw Valley tribe.

  • Klarg answered directly to the tribe’s chief, King Grol, who dwells in Cragmaw Castle. Which is a ruined castle the goblins are restoring about twenty miles northeast of the cave hideout. None of them have been to the castle and give only the vaguest of locations for the place, in the forest, near the lake, on the hill, etc.

  • Klarg received a messenger goblin from King Grol a few days ago. The messenger told him that someone named the Black Spider was paying the Cragmaws to watch out for the dwarf Gundren Rockseeker, capture him, and send him and anything he was carrying back to King Grol. Klarg followed his orders. Gundren was ambushed and taken along with his personal effects, including a map.

  • The dwarf and his map were delivered to King Grol, as instructed. The dwarf’s human companion was being held until they were sure King Grol didn’t want him then he’d most likely be ransomed to the humans in Weaverville.

  • The goblins are using scro arrows to hide their activities and frame the scro who have recently been raiding in the area.

The Order of Righteous Peregrination laid claim to the goblin’s prisoner and the loot found in the cave hideout. The goblins were released to return to the Cragmaw Valley on their word that they would not return or tell King Grol what had happened. The expectation in the group was that neither of these things would happen, but killing or taking captive the goblins did not seem a better course of action.


Treasure Chest. Hidden among the stolen provisions, the characters found Klarg’s treasure chest which contains 600 cp, 110 sp, two potions of healing, and a jade statuette of a frog with tiny golden orbs for eyes (40 gp). The frog statuette is small enough to fit in a pocket or pouch.

Yeemik’s Pouch. Containing three gold teeth (1 gp each) and 15 sp.

Stolen Provisions and Supplies. Piles of sacks and crates found in Klarg’s cave. Most are marked with the image of a blue lion—the symbol of the Lionshield Coster, a prosperous merchant company with a warehouse and trading post in Weaverville. The captured stores are bulky, and a wagon to transport them. 


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