Dice Scroll
Because, who doesn't need a place to store their dice. Also, I think it offers a bit of protection to his rather nice wood table if anyone shows up with those annoying, but popular metal dice which can leave such ugly divots and scratches in the finish of wood tables. As an aside, please keep that in mind when you show up with your heavy, sharp metal dice. Please also bring something to roll those dice in that will keep them from damaging a friends table.
Anyway, back to the gifts...
They've got a zippered storage compartment which will hold two sets of dice and a mechanical pencil, at least that's what I put in mine, and they roll out to provide a dice mat. And they're embossed with a d20 symbol. There were a variety of colors for everyone to choose from and of course I chose red. I'm kinda predictable like that.It was a very nice thing too do and I can't speak for everyone, but I appreciate both the thought and the gift. This should come in quite handy.
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