Beginnings of the Adventure

Sunday, I had a list of outside chores to do, but it rained on and off all day. So, instead, I did laundry and worked on my Adventure project. I spent a lot of time on it, but I’m not sure how much I actually got done. It was that kind of day. But there was a big announcement coming from the other side of the state…

No details have been forthcoming, but the announcement was made this past weekend that one of the most anticipated game conventions in the Midwest will be back this year. DougCon ’22 will be held October 21-23, 2022. I’m looking forward to it. It was a lot of fun last year.

DougCon is traditionally focused on board games, but I may put together a short D&D scenario if there is any interest. I’m thinking a small 5-room dungeon with pregenerated characters and a clear goal. Could be doable in a short block of time. It’s something to think about.


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