Adventure #9: Return to Tresendor Manor


2024/04/20 Session 9: Return to Tresendor Manor (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Ronn, Zak)

9 Winterwane 5023

The Order of Righteous Peregrination reunited over breakfast. Sildar Hallwinter passed word to them that Gundren Rockseeker was recovering nicely as he headed to his office at town hall. Dartina was complaining about her stomach and that everything still tasted like pond scum and sat in her guts like a live trout when Grista, the denwar from the  Sleeping Giant stormed through the door and straight to their table. 

“Here’s the rest of your stuff,” she said, dumping her bag of their missing possessions on the table. “Albrek says to get that skull out of his basement! Today!” 

Dartina vomits up an acidic ooze which the party freezes and gives to Darnell

Horatio mends the table

Party goes to the cellars of Tresendor Manor and finds them vacant and dark. Party explores the cellars, struggles to stay out of the pit trap in the hallway, and finds weapons and evidence definitely connecting these redbrands to those they encountered in Eureka. Eventually finding a secret door leading into the connected natural caverns.

Signs that a recent earthquake has expanded the width and doubled the depth of the chasm running through the cave. The bridges seem unstable and while exploring the group is attacked by a pair of enormous cave leaches. Defeating the beasts the party finds itself at the bottom of the chasm and discovers a small horde of items in a chest, most likely the possessions of the mind twisting eye monster that the redbrands pulled out of these caves.

Back at the search, the group finds first Albrek’s potion laboratory and then his quarters and study. Within they find the floating skull of the alchemist. Negotiation and parley begin and a truce is reached wherein the alchemist will assist them if they assist him.

Horatio borrows Albrek’s spellbook

Party suspects that they’ve been followed and spied on as they’ve explored the caves….


160 sp

120 gp

5 malachite gems (15gp each)


Healing Salve (x2)

Scroll of Augury

Long Sword, +1 (Black Hawk “Talon” the sword of Aldith Tresendar)


The spellbook of Vilarno Albrek

Cantrips (4): mage hand, shocking grasp

1st Level (8): burning hands, feather fall, jump, shield, silent image

2nd Level (4): hold person, invisibility, misty step


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