D&D: Adventures in Eberron vs Work Emergency

My plans for an evening of rolling dice and pretending to be an agent of House Orien have been quashed. Work calls and actions must be taken. Seems there are painters doing that thing they do on the third floor tonight. It would also seem that the landlord did not mention to them that there is a break in the plumbing drain somewhere beneath the sink in the suite. This is only an issue because they are using that same sink to wash brushes, rollers, and buckets free of the paint they have become entwined with. All of that paint saturated drain water has found its way to my client's suite on the first floor. This has created something of a mess. And who's the first responder when there's a mess? If you guessed me, you got it in one. Good job. All of which is to say, I'll be doing something decidedly not D&D related this evening.