Early Sunday D&D: Christmas Break

The new adventures of the less powerful Thergale the Verdant are on something of a holiday hiatus. Apparently, no one wants to play D&D on the morning of Christmas Eve. I mean, not that I could pull that off without getting more than a little static from my wife. I get it. It's cool.

I kinda suspect that our DM will cancel the New Year's Eve game as well, but only time will tell. At this point it's still on the schedule.

I did a thing for the group that I didn't run by the DM. In the spirit of asking forgiveness rather than permission, I created a DnDBeyond campaign for the group and posted a link to it in our Discord. I let everyone know that it'd be helpful for the DMs game prep to have all of our characters in one place and as an added bonus I shared all of my DnDBeyond content with the members of the campaign. At this point there are four characters in the campaign. Hopefully, everyone will take advantage of the tool. But not everyone wants to mix digital tools in with their D&D and some folks just don't want to create an account. I can only say I like it and have found it very helpful in my own game.

We'll get back to the adventures soon enough, but until then enjoy your holidays.

Wishing you good rolls and great gifts. Merry Christmas.


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