D&D: Adventures in Eberron - Make-Up Session

The group skipped the session that would have happened on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, for understandable reasons. There had been talk about running a one-shot of some sort, but that didn't happen. And so we find ourselves here, having a make-up session that most of the crew couldn't make it too. No worries, our DM showed up and our hero, Carsten Brich , was joined on the other side of the screen by Edgariel Grandsword ( elf wizard/artificer ). As a precaution against the unthinkable we added an NPC/sidekick to the evenings activities, Brody the Fighter/Bard . Before we set off on the nights adventure, and while our sidekick was being generated to accompany Edgariel, the DM filled me in on what has come before. Which was a thing that I had been wondering about and certainly appreciated being brought up to speed. Not knowing, or understanding, where we were and what we were doing was more than a little frustrating. That is now less of an issue. I have an idea how it all st...