Part 1: Probably an Owlbear

Just got back from The Gamer's Wharf where I ran the first of two D&D adventures to cover the game slots usually occupied by Brett and Mike. They're both at GenCon and this seemed like a good time to show the group what my style of DMing looks like. I overpacked and under prepared, couldn't find half my notes, and just ran things the way I thought would be most enjoyable. I had fun. The players seemed to have fun. I think it went well and I feel like I set things in place for more adventure tomorrow. It wasn't really certain how many folks were going to make it to the game today. At minimum there was going to be three players, but attendance could have been as high as seven players. That would be a big, hard to manage group, but I prepared accordingly. We ended up with a very reasonable four players; Bob, Brent, Caroline, and Joshua. I made adjustments and things went well. No characters died. So what happened and how did it go? For starters, that title " Pr...