Adventure #6: A Rival Rescue

2023/09/30 Session 6: A Rival Rescue (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Ronn, Zak) 4 Winterwane 5023 The members of The Order of Righteous Peregrination have been captured by the Redbrands and are held beneath the ruins of Tresendar Manor in Weaverville . It has been a long and unpleasant 48-hours. However, the heroes of Eureka are not the only adventurers looking to make a name for themselves, find a fortune, and bust some heads in the wild expanse that is the Lost Coast. And here in Weaverville there is a gang of five vagabonds competing with the Order for the hearts and minds of the camp. These rivals are calling themselves The Glimmering Company and their membership consists of the following rogues: Tymek Brangohr , a denwarf mercenary soldier turned priest of Purphoros hailing from the Mountain Gate camp north of Redding . Led by conscience and faith to bring issue to oppressors and bullies who cross his path. Miralar Vilalath , an aelfar who, li...