Adventure #0: The Call to Adventure
2023/01/28 Session 0: The Call to Adventure (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Madeline, Ronn, Zak) Campaign sales pitch. Discussion of Game Play. Characters created. Backgrounds intertwined to create established relationships. A party is brought together and an adventure embarked upon. Our Cast of Characters : Chane Titanoak , 19-year-old male homen, martial prodigy, and sergeant in the Ajwain Infantry. (Zak) Dartina , 20-year-old female homen, disciplined monastic, and one of the masses in the court of proles. (Campbell) Eyrowyn Cwycyshyn , 210-year-old female aelfar, wanderer of paths unknown on both the Mortal Realm and the Faerne. (Madeline) Garnet Stormsoar , homen male, champion of Heliod, and sergeant in the Ajwain Cavalry. (Gryffon) Horatio Helkat , 40-year-old homen male, scribe, sage, and academic at the Lyceum Arcanium in Ajwain. (Doug) 28 Frostmoot 5023 VA Gundren Rockseeker sent word for our cast of characters to gather at the city of Chico in Ajwain’s northern Sacramento Valley ...