
Showing posts from January, 2023

Adventure #0: The Call to Adventure

2023/01/28 Session 0: The Call to Adventure (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Madeline, Ronn, Zak) Campaign sales pitch. Discussion of Game Play. Characters created. Backgrounds intertwined to create established relationships. A party is brought together and an adventure embarked upon. Our Cast of Characters : Chane Titanoak , 19-year-old male homen, martial prodigy, and sergeant in the Ajwain Infantry. (Zak) Dartina , 20-year-old female homen, disciplined monastic, and one of the masses in the court of proles. (Campbell) Eyrowyn Cwycyshyn , 210-year-old female aelfar, wanderer of paths unknown on both the Mortal Realm and the Faerne. (Madeline) Garnet Stormsoar , homen male, champion of Heliod, and sergeant in the Ajwain Cavalry. (Gryffon) Horatio Helkat , 40-year-old homen male, scribe, sage, and academic at the Lyceum Arcanium in Ajwain. (Doug) 28 Frostmoot 5023 VA Gundren Rockseeker sent word for our cast of characters to gather at the city of Chico in Ajwain’s northern Sacramento Valley ...

Dice Scroll

What a pleasant surprise. One of the players in this new Dungeons & Dragons campaign we're starting, Adventure: The 3-Dragon Problem , surprised us all with a nice gift. In addition to hosting the game, he presented everyone with these neat leather/faux leather dice scrolls.  Because, who doesn't need a place to store their dice. Also, I think it offers a bit of protection to his rather nice wood table if anyone shows up with those annoying, but popular metal dice which can leave such ugly divots and scratches in the finish of wood tables. As an aside, please keep that in mind when you show up with your heavy, sharp metal dice. Please also bring something to roll those dice in that will keep them from damaging a friends table. Anyway, back to the gifts... They've got a zippered storage compartment which will hold two sets of dice and a mechanical pencil, at least that's what I put in mine, and they roll out to provide a dice mat. And they're embossed with a d20 ...

Campaign Primer: The 3-Dragon Problem

In order to give my player's a starting point into the upcoming game, I put together a campaign primer and turned it into a .pdf file. Covers most of the basics, the world, races, classes, factions, gods, etc... Here, I'll just share it with you and you can check it out. The world is an alternate earth. The gods are pulled straight from Mythic Odysseys of Theros. Most of the rules are straight up D&D 5e, with some tweaks. It's what I gave them and what they had to work with.