Welcome to Weaverville
I have gone back and forth with myself on the map I would use for Weaverville. I knew that I didn't want to use the map of Phandalin that comes in the box, as it's more of a village than a town. If I was doing a settlement of 400 people it would be fine, but I wanted something closer to 1000 people; a small town or large village. I originally planned on using the Sanborn map of Weaverville from 1889 which shows a population of 1000 people. I actually did a lot of work based on this map, but have decided against using it. Instead, I'm going to use a map generated by watabou's Village Generator because it's less work and offers me several advantages regarding the style of the map (b&w, color, night, simplified). I took the map and layered some text over it and badda-boom, badda-bing I have a settlement of 980 people. It's not the historical Weaverville, but I think it will make for a more playable location and do quite nicely for the purposes of our game. Wel...