
Showing posts from March, 2023

Adventure #2: Charnock House Part 2

  2023/03/19 Session 2: Charnock House Part 2 (Campbell, Doug, Gryffon, Madeline, Ronn, Zak) 19 Deepsnow 5023 VA When last we left our band of gentle adventurers they had regrouped in the secret cellar beneath Charnock House . A place showing all the indications of being used as living quarters for a large group of nerdowells, brigands, pirates, or outlaws calling themselves the Redbrands . Lanterns wash the room with their warm glow, a large pot of stew simmers on the fireplace, two captives sit with bound hands upon the floor, and large red letters scrawled upon the barred door at the far end of the room warn of some “DANGER!” beyond. After questioning the captive Redbrands, and at the prompting of the former captive Ned Shakeshaft , our band entered the DANGER! room. Beyond that clearly marked door they faced a half-dozen animated skeletons intent on adding the band to their number. While the fight raged, the brigands were able to free themselves and Ned retreated from the room...