Two More Maps

I've put in orders for two more canvas maps, because I want to put them up in my office as inspiration for writing and gaming. And also because I get very into new projects and this one seems pretty easy to finish. Just click to order. The first is the map that began as an unnamed world map with a big black sword as the compass, and so I called it the black sword map. It's been renamed Inner Sareth, which represents the idea that it is part of a much larger continent. original map of Inner Sareth The original was drawn on a large 22x30 sheet of preprinted hex paper (Chessex, I think) and colored with Berol Prismacolor pencils. You can see it there, all taped up, because I cut it up to scan it many years ago. I never used it for gaming or writing in any substantial way. The new version is a WonderDraft creation. The second map I had put on canvas is the one I used for the Baenrahl campaign. I once said that Baenrahl: Shadow of the 13th Regent was a game of dark swashbuckling and...