What to Do

It’s decision time again. Last year, Christmas Day I picked up the domain name baenrahl.com from Google Domains. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it at the time, but I wanted to check out that particular Google service. It’s been a year now, and it’s time to renew it or let it go. As far as Google Domains goes I really have no opinion one way or another. It’s a service. They sell a product. That’s about the extent of my feelings on the subject. baenrahl.com , on the other hand, is something I’d like to keep. Initially, I had no idea what to do with it, or at least just vague ideas of what to do with it. But I like the idea I ended up going with, that I was chronicling the adventures of a “sword & planet” genre hero, someone in the vein of Dray Prescot or John Carpenter. But with school and life and whatnot, there hasn’t been much work done on that idea. Baenrahl isn’t the kind of name that I’m worried about losing. I don’t think someone else is going to come along a...